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Category Archives: Lifestyle

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8 Tips for Getting Along with Family During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. It’s a time when families come together to create cherished memories, exchange gifts, and share delicious meals. However, it can also be a period of stress and tension, as different personalities and expectations collide.

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10 Strategies for Releasing Control Over the Uncontrollable

Life is a delicate balance of control and surrender. We have ambitions, dreams, and aspirations, and we often find ourselves striving to maintain control over every aspect of our lives. However, there are some things that are simply beyond our grasp, and trying to control

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Novel Monitoring and Data Integrity Techniques in Clinical Research

By Sasidhar Duggineni  Clinical trials are instrumental in progressing medical research and introducing novel treatments. Traditional monitoring methods, while crucial, can be resource-draining and might miss nuanced data irregularities. The integration of machine learning (ML) introduces a transformative approach to data scrutiny and decision-making within