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All posts by The Kerplunk

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K-Tone Is Here to Make ‘Em Dance

Miami has a new rising star. Already known for years as a successful local businessman, hip art artist K-Tone specializes in artistically creative tracks that fuse intense rhythm with cool vocals and a distinct melodic line. His music speaks a universal language that activates endorphins. 

Throwing Axes with Amit Fridman

Amit Fridman, the owner of Live Axe in Soho, is, fortunately for me, a very patient teacher. When I arrive for my interview with him, I already know, of course, that the bar is famous for allowing its patrons to throw axes at targets in

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Huriia: Freedom in Any Weather, Any Situation

Humans are a curious bunch – we tend to stick with what we think works even when it’s inconvenient. Take umbrellas, for example: for over 4,000 years, people have been carrying them in one hand while struggling with bags, babies, and cameras in the other