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How To Spot When A Stock Price Is About To Change Direction

What are your financial goals, and do you have the ability to reach them? Are you working harder or smarter? As only 19% of Americans are in upper-income households, there’s an excellent chance that you are one of the many who are either struggling with their money or are at least dissatisfied with their financial lives. Todd Rampe, founder of the Wealth Builders Institute, recommends that you consider trading in the stock market, using the incredible leverage of stock options. “Done correctly, it has enormous potential to change the trajectory of your life and send you along a stronger financial path,” he says. “At the Wealth Builders Institute, I show you the ins and outs of the market and teach you a formula that will help you to trade more confidently.”

Todd is the right person for such a claim. With more than 23 years of trading under his belt, he has become a trusted, highly respected go-to person on stock options and stands on top of an industry that many outsiders see as chaotic at best. “I understand,” he says. “The numbers go up and down all day long, and if you’re not sure of what you’re doing, it can look like there’s no rhyme or reason to it. Actually, the truth is that there is. That’s why my formula is so helpful – it digs into the market and creates order for you, showing you the right moment to trade.”

Todd teaches the formula and other useful information in his seminars. One of the first pieces of wisdom he gives to attendees is the necessity of trading objectively. “Emotion can be your worst enemy when it comes to stock options,” he cautions. “I show people how to carefully read what’s happening in the market and interpret that as a sign to sell, buy, or hold tight.”

One of Todd’s goals is to help his students avoid being part of the 90% of retail traders, or nonprofessional traders, who make unwise trading decisions. “If we don’t know what to watch out for, we can fall for the professional traders’ false moves, aka head fakes. That’s one of the biggest benefits I give my students – I help them understand how some traders end up in the 10%. They can learn to recognize those head fakes and look past them for the real evidence that it’s time to trade.”

To help his clients avoid being led astray by false indicators, Todd created a formula that’s been helping both him and his clients for years. “It’s very simple yet powerful,” he states. “My formula helps you spot market reversals, the key to being able to buy and sell at exactly the right time. It helped a good friend of mine, Robert, turn his $5,000 investment into $55,000 in about 90 days. He definitely enjoyed that payback, as we all would.”

Todd also developed the Triple Sync Logic software, a program that virtually anyone can learn to use. “I based it on what I learned back in 1998 from whom I call my ‘7-Figure Mentor,’” he says, smiling at the memory. “He helped me get rid of all the useless, redundant indicators that inevitably come with nearly every other charting platform.” 

Todd goes on to say that the Triple Sync Logic software takes the fear out of trading because it gives the user clear rules of engagement to follow, clear exit rules, and simple money management rules. “It also keeps everything simple because you get exactly what you need on one screen. Each of the three charts take up ⅓ of your monitor, so all the indicators you need in order to trade will be right in front of you.”

The Wealth Builders Institute offers extensive training and support for anyone who wants to get started in trading. The Stock Options Workshop is an eight-week program that takes the guesswork out of trading. Attendees are given access to the Triple Sync Logic software, plus twelve hours of live class instruction and coaching sessions. They are taught the unique formula for spotting market reversals as well as three ways to achieve results with the Triple Sync Logic software. Attendees also benefit from eight weeks of live coaching, ensuring that the new trader will feel supported and ready to enter the stock market.

Todd emphasizes that no one should enter the market without first understanding it. “Once you do, though, and have a formula and software that can help you, your life opens up. You’re suddenly on a different life journey, one that will be exciting and empowering. That is what the Wealth Builders Institute has done for many people and what it can do for you, too.”

For more information about how you can learn the secret of using trading to diversify your income, please see the Wealth Builders Institute’s website or contact them at:

(702) 997-5957
[email protected]

Trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading, and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. View Full Risk Disclosure. Wealth Builders – WBI