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Jean Mouret(@explorer) Is the Travel Expert Changing The Lives Of Millions

We have all fallen in love with pictures of beautiful places since we were kids. From hanging wallpapers in our bedrooms to travel magazines in the counters of our favorite shops, to newspapers in waiting rooms that catch our eye while we patiently bide our time for a visit to the dentist. Right?

For the past decade, the way we absorb travel content has changed dramatically due to a very small but powerful thing that has impacted our lives as human beings: smartphones.

Enter social media (in particular Instagram), a place where people gather to follow not only on their favorite celebrities looking to fill up their needs of gossip, but also for the occasional leisure use to kill some time, learn and educate themselves.

It is on Instagram (where most outlets switched to a digital world) where Jean shines best. In his account @explorer on Instagram, he features a myriad of travel content, including his own. Every day, he inspires millions of people on the best travel destinations around the world, teaching them what places are trending, and the best times of the year to book a vacation. It is through the reach of his account that he amasses the vast amounts of traffic and turns it into a powerhouse that helps people make travel decisions based on suggestions.

Just to give you an idea, he has reached over 3.7 Billion people (in total impressions) since he opened his account in 2016. And that’s only on @explorer alone.

However, he has learned to use his reach for many good other things, such as helping spread awareness about the planet, starting campaigns to raise money for stray dog shelters and turtle conservation organizations, and even helping spread news of global importance, such as the case when the Barcelona terrorist attack happened in 2017.

Jean comments:

“I remember walking in the streets of Barcelona, on August 17th, 2017. I was on my way to visit some friends to arrange a supercar partnership with a Lamborghini when an attack happened. I reached my friend’s offices as soon as I could, and while we were hiding in the building I started posting stories on @explorer with 2 intentions. First, to spread awareness to local people from all around Spain about the ongoing situation, and second, to let my friends, my followers, and especially my family know that I was okay”.

Make sure to follow Jean on Instagram at @explorer for more travel inspiration!